Roundup of projects

Style & Class
Event management and full online guest accreditation and guest management – webdesign and development

FAIR GAME – Animation – Tobis

SOMEWHERE – Animation – Tobis

THE AMERICAN – Animation + myspace – Tobis

TWELVE – Animation + myspace – Tobis

A SERIOUS MAN – animation + myspace – Tobis

GREENBERG – Animation + myspace – Tobis

AWAY WE GO – Animation – Tobis

LIEBER VERLIEBT – Animation – Tobis

LOVE HAPPENS – Animation – Tobis

Belle Pearl Travel – Seattle, USA – corporate design

Gize Waters – intro spot / animation
agency: zweipunktnull

Institute of Rock Music – corporate Design

saxnet – corporate videos / animation
concept / storyboard / art direction

Webcuts.10– Internet Film Fest – trailer animation


THE GREEN BOX – Website – Concept / Development

woabi – corporate design and webdesign
Arthur 2 — teaser website

Teaser website for Arthur 2 und die Minnimoys with Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel. Full website coming soon.
Tobis Film — website relaunch

Website relaunch for Tobis Film. Webdesign, web development, community features, video player and upload, social sharing, banner animations.
yogaservice — website

Website for yogaservice. Web development, consulting and sponsoring, design, programming, community features, yoga studio finder, events and blog.
Vincentino e.V. — logo design
soniq perfming arts — website
Sibilla Calzolari — website
project drive — website
The Post Republic — website

Redesign and relaunch for The Post Republic, Berlin. This was created in collaboration with the highly talented designer Julia Guther.
Institute of Rock Music — website
Institute of Rock Music — corporate design
S3 Graphics — visual concept and storyboard

Visual concept, storyboard, design and 3d animation for S3 Graphics, USA. Four movies that will explain the product features of S3 graphic chips.
Stevens Pass — Youth Poster
Stevens Pass — Bird Banner
Sharedband — corporate web movies

Relaunch of website for Sharedband UK and US. Visual concept and idea, storyboard, 3d animation, Flash animation and programming. Four intro movies that explain the features of Sharedband products. Website development: Giraffedesign, Seattle, USA.
checkitmobile — logo design
Burn After Reading — website

Last night was the Germany premiere of Burn After Reading — the new movie by the Coen Brothers with George Clooney, Franves McDormand, John Malkovich, Tilda Swinton and Brad Pitt! It’s a really funny movie, so I can highly recommend it! I did the concept, design and programming for the official German website. Many thanks to Petra, Andy and Magnus at Tobis! Check out the website here and have fun (there’s a hidden easter egg, too):
Steven Pass — RFID icon design

Stevens Pass, WA, USA use a technology with their ski passes. They now have RFID integrated, so the passes can be used several times and reloaded. That again is more friendly to the environment. They needed an icon which showed the RFID technology and the environment aspects. So I combined the signal with the famous Cowboy Ridge and gave it an overall modern look. This icon is one of a series of icons I designed for Stevens Pass. It’s always fun.
Audioberlin — media player

Audioberlin — The Audiotainment Company has a new media player on their website! I integrated this slick and fast text, photo and video player. It’s really easy to use and very flexible if you want to present your videos on your own corporate website.
Happy-Go-Lucky — movie website

I'm proud to present the website for the upcoming movie Happy-Go-Lucky by Mike Leigh, starring Sally Hawkins (winner of Silber Bear). There are a couple of gimmicks integrated like flip books and paint splashes. But play around with it yourself and have fun: — travel community

We’re working on a new community for rucksack travellers on the internet:! Expect lots of cool trip planning features very soon! We just setup a teaser page until the beta starts.
Game based eVideo — kickoff meeting

I attend a new project at the FHTW (University of Applied Sciences) Game based eVideo. It’s all about Web 2.0, eLearning and video, of course. We try to research ways to set up environments that use the tools of games, web 2.0 and videos. It’s a team of about 30 people from very different fields. I’m really excited about this! I might end up stop using this blog (or only very rarely) as I will mainly discuss and work on different community sites. We’ll see.
re:publica 08 — bloggers conference

I went to the re:publica 08 conference in Berlin. Unfortunately I hadn’t much time, so I could only attend a couple of talks and workshops. It was really good! Check out the website with video streams and lots of more information.
I’m Not There — ecard

You got to check this out! We created this cool ecard that shows your message on paper cards held by the actors of the movie I’m Not There. Credits go to Samuel and his team who did the programming! And now go to and send a message to your friends!
I’m Not There — website

This is the first teaser page I created for the upcoming website for I’m Not There — starring Cate Blanchett, Christian Bale, Richard Gere, Heath Ledger, Ben Whishaw and Marcus C. Franklin as Bob Dylan. Particularly Cate Blanchett is amazing as Dylan! More coming soon on the official myspace movie page I will edit in the next couple of days.
Into The Wild — website

This week the new movie Into The Wild by Sean Penn will start in Germany. I created the website for the German release. It’s a really great movie! Check out the website for more info!
Into The Wild — myspace

Along with the release of the official movie site for Into The Wild, we created a special myspace page. There is also a cool VW bus tour around Germany. Check out the myspace page for more info.
“Maischberger” Christmas card

I’m proud to announce the design of this year’s Christmas cards for Menschen bei Maischberger. It is based on the 2006 christmas card which you can find here, but this year the outlines of the stars are the words “menschen bei maischberger”.
Triumph der Liebe at Deutsches Theater

I went to see the play Triumph der Liebe at the Deutsches Theater tonight. It was a rococo comedy by Pierre Carlet de Marivaux. The production was directed by Barbara Frey. It was a real pleasure to see it and the stage design was wonderful! After all the pre-christmas stress this was a perfect release, although the play also had its tragic sides.
Supervising final practical exam

This week the design class at the L4 Academy started with their final practical exam. They will have to design a logo and a magazine insert or an interactive CD-ROM application for a spa hotel on the island Sylt. I’m supervising them taking care everything is according to plan. They have 10 working days to write a concept and prepare themselves for the practical test. Today they only had about 6 hours to do their whole work for the insert, create PDFs for offset printing and presenting a mockup of the final product.
P.S. Ich liebe Dich — Website

Today I launched the website for the upcoming movie P.S. Ich liebe Dich (P.S. I Love You) which is distributed by Tobis in Germany. The movie stars Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler, but check out the website for more infos and exclusive photos.
“Open Season” Rail Jam

Stevens Pass, WA, USA opens the new season with a rail jam competition. And here’s the poster I designed for the event. Nate Escalona, Marketing Supervisor, Stevens Pass Winter Resort: “… the best event poster I’ve ever seen!”
Der Klang des Herzens — movie website

This is a new website for the upcoming movie Der Klang des Herzens (August Rush) starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Robin Williams. I launched it last Friday. It’s based on the website for the US but the German artwork is different, so I had to redesign it. Thanks to Petra and Magnus at Tobis!
Promo website for romantic movies

Today I launched a promo website for three upcoming movies by Tobis. Starting on December you can win great prizes every week, so check it out:
London visit

Last weekend I spent in London with some friends. The weather was nasty, but it’s always great to visit London. I was lucky to see the new St Pancras Station. It was re-opend after 12 years. The architecture and especially the famous St Pancras Clock are very impressive! I can also recommend checking out The Big Chill House for your music pleasure, Leon for healthy, organic and delicious fast food and the Shoreditch House for hanging around or swim in the pool on the roof top (members only).
workXL AG — relaunch

I’m proud to announce the relaunch of the new workXL AG website! It presents the new corporate design we started with earlier this year. Now we also redesigned the website and set up a content management system (Typo3). Thanks a lot to Lars and Höddi at workXL and everyone who participated in the working process!
JazzFest Berlin ’07

On Saturday we went to see the Trio Riessler-Levy-Matinier and the Trio Madeira Brasil with special guests. A friend recommended this concert at the Berliner Festspiele as part of the JazzFest Berlin ’07. We had setas in the second row so we could literally here every single breath and note they played. Both bands were just amazing and Yamandú Costa — a young guitar gaúcho — just blew our minds!

Webcuts.07 — The Internet Film Fest in Berlin was a cool event this year, again! First we had a panel for our VIP guests with Karin Wehn (University of Leipzig), Marc Schleiss (winner of Webcuts.06), Eckhard Jäger (founder of Webcuts), Tillmann Allmer (interfilm berlin) and Jennifer Hoffmann (HFF Potsdam). The screening of the nominees and the award show were both fun and continued at the After-Show party. The image above shows me with the winners for Best Animation Matthieu Landour und Edouard Jouet from Paris at the ceremony. We also had a show simultaneously on an island in Second Life with our exclusive movie theatre. So, to get an idea of what you missed, check out You can find a video coverage of the evening here at freshmilk, an interview with Eckhard Jäger and me and more photos here.
Webcuts everywhere!

Berlin Mitte, Prenzlauerberg, Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg is tagged with Webcuts posters and stickers.