Anina at NMI 2007
//// Personal
I joined
Anina for her keynote at the
NMI 2007 on Thursday. She gave a brilliant and passionate speech which impressed the audience. Anina just came from Shanghai to Berlin for this conference and already left again today to fly back to China, unfortunately. There were a lot of very interesting speeches at the NMI:
Prof. Sauter (IRT, Munich) talked about HDTV standards which opened everyone's eyes about some of the myths of HDTV, Dr. Richarts (
Vodafone R&D) talked about their mobile arts projects, Dr. Schisler from
L4 (where I
teach) talked about
Life4-U — the first TV magazine in Second Life — and many more. After the speeches
Julean A. Simon played a so-called midi-wind-controller solo (sort of midi saxophone) on the roofs of the
BBAW (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften). Find more at the
Anina’s blog and watch a small clip