Webcuts.07 — The Internet Film Fest in Berlin was a cool event this year, again! First we had a panel for our VIP guests with Karin Wehn (University of Leipzig), Marc Schleiss (winner of Webcuts.06), Eckhard Jäger (founder of Webcuts), Tillmann Allmer (interfilm berlin) and Jennifer Hoffmann (HFF Potsdam). The screening of the nominees and the award show were both fun and continued at the After-Show party. The image above shows me with the winners for Best Animation Matthieu Landour und Edouard Jouet from Paris at the ceremony. We also had a show simultaneously on an island in Second Life with our exclusive movie theatre. So, to get an idea of what you missed, check out www.webcuts.org. You can find a video coverage of the evening here at freshmilk, an interview with Eckhard Jäger and me and more photos here.